Reference Point Accredited as Microsoft Gold Partner

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Microsoft has awarded Reference Point with Gold Partner status to recognise their best-in-class capability with Microsoft cloud platform technology.

Reference Point also holds Silver Partner status for application development and application integration.

Gold Partners are Microsoft's most highly accredited technical specialists offering data management and software development support. Achieving this status demonstrates Reference Point's commitment to excellence in solution design and development based on Microsoft's latest, greatest and most secure technologies. 

The requirements for Gold Partner accreditation include:

  • Customer references verifying a high standard of delivery 
  • The company only employs highly skilled individuals within their solutions design, development and delivery teams. These individuals must demonstrate their expertise through regular Microsoft certifications that attest to their competence across the spectrum of technologies that span the Azure platform
  • A clear commitment from the company to invest in the adoption of the latest, greatest and most secure cloud technologies available today for the solutions they develop 
  • Participation in the customer satisfaction index. 

Bob Beman, Chief Technology Officer at Reference Point, had this to say of the accreditation:

"We're very proud to have become an accredited Microsoft Gold Partner. It demonstrates our commitment to ensuring we always give our clients the best possible technical advice and guidance. Our move up from Silver to Gold Partner status confirms that we really know what we're talking about and can be seen as a trusted partner by our clients – especially in the field of designing and developing enterprise, cloud-based solutions built on the Microsoft Azure platform. 

Achieving Microsoft Gold Partner status demonstrates the kind of company Reference Point really is. It underlines that we are so good at what we do because we have invested in our team to ensure everyone's technical skills and knowledge is maintained in line with the pace that cloud technologies advance. As a result of the ongoing training and development activities that our team have undertaken through the Microsoft Certified Professional exams, we are continuously improving the designs and implementation of our products and solutions for the future."

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