Reference Point Assists Network Rail to Ensure Workforce Safety While its Workers Continue to Keep the Railway running

Friday, 27 March 2020

workers on the railway

COVID-19: Sentinel applies temporary extensions to competence and medical certification:

  • 1.9 million individual competences for the supply chain and other managed infrastructures
  • ¾ million competences for Network Rail staff
  • Over 325,000 medicals across the industry

Reference Point provided its support this week to Network Rail’s critical rail workforce by deploying extensive updates to Network Rail’s Sentinel system. The safety of passengers, the public and workers is Network Rail’s priority and in order to mitigate the risks of not having sufficient, skilled people to maintain the network safely for vital freight and key worker services, all Sentinel railway competencies and medical certificates have had a temporary extension of four months applied to the validity period, as well as to incremental assessment dates.

This is a complex, multi-layered process and has involved updating 1.9 million individual competences for the supply chain and other managed infrastructures, 3/4 million competences for Network Rail staff and over 325,000 medicals across the industry.

All the teams involved have successfully achieved the update to the Sentinel system in a short timeframe, combined with releasing communications to assure the workforce and sponsors how Network Rail are supporting their safety while they continue to keep the railway running.

Tanya Morris, Business Development Director at Reference Point stated: “The health and safety of Network Rail’s workforce, passengers and public is an absolute priority - not only for our clients like Network Rail, but for us as a company. Our main aim is that all workers protected by our systems go home safe and well; the Reference Point team are here to assist and show our support during this challenging time to help protect these essential, hardworking and committed workforces.”

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workers on the railway