Reference Point Delivers a Variety of Online Training Courses to Support Remote Working During COVID-19 Pandemic

Tuesday, 07 April 2020

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  • Courses available: COVID-19 Prevention, Remote Productivity and Microsoft Teams
  • Overall 90% satisfaction rating achieved.

To support and inform our clients during this time of change and uncertainty, Reference Point has launched a range of online courses around COVID-19 protection and working from home skills – the training content is available for anyone, anytime and anywhere. Although these courses have only been available for 10 days, there has been a great response with a surge in bookings for online learning around these topics. Even better, the courses have achieved an overall satisfaction rating of 90%.

Utilising Reference Point’s online training booking portal, CourseSight, the recently released courses include: COVID-19 Prevention; Remote Productivity and Microsoft Teams. The content of these courses will continue to be updated and available on CourseSight.

Sarah Randall, Product Manager at Reference Point comments: “Whilst we are all working in challenging circumstances, we remain committed to using our solutions as a means to provide our clients with valuable course content through online learning. We are always looking for ways to support our CourseSight community and welcome suggestions for further training that could offer benefit during this difficult time.”

COVID-19 Prevention
This training focuses on the symptoms, transmission and prevention of coronavirus. Learn the basics about the coronavirus, its background, and how to best deal with the threat it poses. The course includes the latest advice and statistics from the World Health Organisation.

Remote Productivity and Microsoft Teams Training
These courses are designed for all employees who work remotely and perform their professional duties without being present in a physical office. Learn how to stay on task in a new home office environment, from keeping in contact with teams through to setting up an effective workspace.

For further information on the courses and to book a place, please visit CourseSight.

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