Technology Helps to Improve the Safety of Rail Track Workers in the UK

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Rail Safety Week is an industry led initiative focusing on rail safety for all, with events and activities to encourage us all to think about our own safety and that of others when we are on or near the railway.

At Reference Point we are proud to play our part in helping to improve and assure safety standards for track workers across the UK rail network with the provision of the Sentinel Mobile Workforce Management solution.

With more than 175,000 Sentinel smartcard holders across Network Rail, TfL and their supply chain, Sentinel ensures that workers are qualified and safe to perform their roles, with information on their competences, medical/D&A status and working restrictions available on the ground and in real time to safety controllers via the dedicated Sentinel mobile app available on all major mobile platforms.

The ability to acknowledge safety briefings electronically via the scanning of the Sentinel smartcard, or even to record the use of competences via the app with its electronic Logbook feature, means the Sentinel solution is helping to keep workers safe whilst at the same time introducing operational efficiencies to ensure minimal delays when starting and finishing work.

With the added capability to record travel times and site access data for cardholders, the app (or equivalent PC/laptop solution suitable for fixed work sites) also allows minimum rest periods to be enforced and double-shifting to be identified and prevented, a clear win for workforce safety.

We wish all those involved a very safe and successful week in further improving Rail Safety.

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