Reference Point Acquired by Causeway Technologies

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How We Work

Key sectors include: construction, rail, road, utilities, transport and logistics.



The solution built for companies focused on worker safety 24/7.

Our solutions are used by major corporations responsible for multiple, large scale projects, using extensive supply chains. Many of our clients operate in safety-critical sectors where our systems and services are recognised as playing a major role in supporting and delivering the best possible safety practices to protect the workforce 24/7.

"At the heart of what we offer is our gold standard SkillGuard system: our web applications, database, smartcards and apps that work together to surface and record essential information wherever and whenever it is needed.


"However, our technology is only part of what we provide. We recognise that acquiring a new system – no matter how powerful it is – isn’t the full story. So, we work with our clients to evolve a full implementation and delivery approach to provide a full service."

Tanya Morris

Business Development Director

Our Approach

Quality in partnership - at each stage of delivery and beyond

As highly experienced and leading specialists we are ready to work with you.

Upon project confirmation, we will introduce you to your dedicated SkillGuard implementation team led by one of our experienced account managers, who will partner with you, providing agility and responsiveness to your requirements, delivering without compromise.

The account manager will discuss and agree with you which configuration settings you want to use.  At the same time, other one-off options are discussed such as rebranding and imagery and the level of user support you require.

Once these decisions are finalised, the system set-up is signed off and your own secured SkillGuard instance is created in the Cloud.

Alongside these activities, our delivery team may also be working with you on detailed plans for rollout, providing input and support around training, workshops and a range of communication materials and activities to launch the system within your business to maximise on SkillGuard’s effectiveness for you from day one.

After launch, we always provide a period of hyper-care, while you familiarise yourselves and your teams with the system – after which the service will move into Business as Usual (BAU). Even once in BAU we stay close and we encourage you to participate in our regular major client workshops and other activities where we outline new ideas and also gather feedback and suggestions from you.

The majority of our clients implement the standard SkillGuard system as it already has great flexibility and many configuration settings. However, a minority of our major clients – usually national infrastructure organisations – look for additional customisation. This is always possible and is handled by our SkillGuard customisation team, comprising business analysts, architects, developers, testers and project managers from inception through to delivery, working alongside your own account manager as completion gets near.



Our Team

More than 20 years' experience

With more than 20 years’ experience working with major clients in a variety of sectors, we have accumulated a deep body of expertise, as well as a proven track-record of delivering high-quality projects. We measure our success by your success, and never fail to deliver.

Our highly motivated team of skilled and experienced system developers, architects, designers, testers, project and account managers ensure we are big enough to deliver whilst focussed on what we specialise in. All our development is done in-house using our own employees, which means we can always provide our substantial expertise and knowledge  - not only around technology that works but also around workforce management solutions, approaches and implementations that are tried and tested.

Being client-focussed at all times, we are a pioneering and creative group - always looking for new ideas and new solutions and making things happen, harnessing the power of technology to deliver for you.




Our Commitment to Development and Innovation

Our solutions, including mobile apps, are used by very large numbers of operatives, supervisors and managers across sites and projects every day. Their ability to deliver their work reliably, safely and well while using SkillGuard is always at the forefront of our thinking. We review our solutions regularly and encourage suggestions from our clients to help us improve functionality and performance further. As a company, we typically invest 30% of revenue annually in R&D to keep us at the vanguard of providing high functionality solutions that can be accessed daily by a very wide userbase.