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The Digital Management System for Memberships and Communities

GencardaSuite is an end-to-end smartcard management system for managing virtual and physical smartcards for your community or membership. It provides security, assurance, real-time validation and verification of details, whilst supporting sustainability.

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A creative and innovative solution that uses powerful technology to provide faster, more flexible smartcard solutions for a host of industries, GencardaSuite manages both physical and virtual smartcards with ease.

Designed so that new third-party apps can be developed and integrated to provide additional functionality, the suite has three core elements.


Our member records and card management system.

Read more about Gencarda


Our specially designed app for securely storing virtual smartcards on mobile devices and communicating with member communities.

Read more about Vircarda


Our specially designed app for verifying and reading our virtual and physical smartcards.

Read more about Checarda

Gencarda: Smartcard Management 

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Two workers with laptop

The Gencarda database manages and controls the issue of high-security personalised smartcards, so an individual’s details can be maintained, easily updated and verified.
Its industry-leading smartcard technology ensures the cards are secure and up-to-date, eliminating the need for paper certificates and, more importantly, providing total assurance about the reliability of the data.

Why Gencarda

The Gencarda database enables organisations to certify key qualifications – and much more besides – for each of their members or recordholders.

Computer screen showing Gencarda
A Powerful Database
Admins can easily enter and update information about individuals. Each update is transferred electronically to update the smartcard digitally so that the record is kept up-to-date.
two workers with clipboards
A Comprehensive API
Gencarda's API enables member and learner details, updates and learning outcomes to be input from a third-party system if this is preferred.
laptop showing Gencarda Messaging
Messaging and Notifications
Gencarda's feature-rich messaging module enables organisations to communicate directly and immediately with virtual cardholders.


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Authenticate Credentials

Provide your members and learners with a secure way to prove their credentials so that they can be trusted and authenticated.

laptop authenticating credentials

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Eliminate Fraud

Gencarda helps your organisation fight back against fake qualifications and certifications, giving you peace of mind.

two workers using software

Industrial construction worker

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Engage With Your Members

Gencarda Messaging enables you to directly engage with your members in a new, transformative way

data and scalability

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Scalable and Secure

Gencarda is an end-to-end solution that can help you grow your organisation whilst offering gold-standard security.


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If you want to work with an organisation that operates at the highest standards of excellence to deliver innovative technologies...
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Vircarda: Virtual Smartcard App

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railworkers using gencarda

Vircarda is a dedicated app that stores and manages an individual’s virtual cards and messages securely on their smartphone. When the card is checked electronically, the qualifications it holds are evidenced, and any accompanying certificates can also be seen, along with their validity.

Why Vircarda?

Virtual smartcards are increasingly popular across all sectors. Providing the ultimate convenience for recordholders, the smartcard is updated in moments and stored securely on their smartphone in the Vircarda app.

The messaging module enables clients to communicate directly with their community with targeted messages straight to their phone.

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Vircarda removes the need for plastic smartcards, helping your organisation dramatically reduce its environmental impact.
woman using smartphone
Deploy cards and update records instantly. With a digital solution, there's no need for postage or delays.
two sustainability workers with devices
Every single physical smartcard costs your organisation money. This means Vircarda can save your organisation more money than it costs.


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Peace of Mind

Virtual smartcards can be cancelled or suspended in moments, giving you full confidence in the authenticity of your membership.

woman with device

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100% Certainty

Virtual cards can be checked electronically with the Checarda app, giving you assurance of the individual's record.

worker with smartcard

virtual smartcard example

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There's no need for cardholders to carry a physical smartcard with them, if they have their phone, they have their virtual smartcard with them. 

man with device

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There's no delay for cardholders getting their card or getting updates to new qualifications.


If you want to work with an organisation that operates at the highest standards of excellence to deliver innovative technologies...
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If you want to work with an organisation that operates at the highest standards of excellence to deliver innovative technologies...
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Checarda: An App that Surfaces Trusted Information Securely

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two people using Checarda

Checarda closes the circle of the Gencarda suite, surfacing trusted information securely about recordholders and their credentials. 

Why Checarda?

This digital approach eliminates fraud, is far more efficient and is traceable. It’s also more sustainable as no paperwork is required because the checks are electronic.

man with smartcard
Totally Secure
Checarda gives you complete confidence in the validity of awards, qualifications and credentials being checked.
virtual cards and devices

Rapid Verification

Instantly verify an individual record with absolute certainty, whenever you want, wherever you are.

Anytime, Anywhere

Verify physical or virtual smartcards on mobile, desktop or tablet with nothing but the Checarda app.


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Provide your members and learners with a secure way to prove their credentials so that they can be trusted and authenticated.

worker in factory

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Real-time Information
Checarda accesses the latest available information in real-time to ensure each card check surfaces current data.

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two industrial workers

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Checarda gives you complete confidence in the validity of awards, qualifications and credentials being checked, rewarding legitimate members and learners and helping eradicate frauds and fakes.

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Windows, iOS and Android Apps

Checarda is downloadable as a free app from Google Play and the Apple Store and can be downloaded for Windows as well.


If you want to work with an organisation that operates at the highest standards of excellence to deliver innovative technologies...
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